Thursday, April 21, 2011

Please please please!!!

I am sure my sister will have an amen to say about this (right Cathy????), but when I was younger, I was a BRAT! You probably can't tell now, since I am so kind and giving (sometimes...), but as a child through my teenage years, I was horrible. I was horribly spoiled by my parents. I'm not sure if it was because they were older, divorced and wanted me to pick favorites, or simply because I was the last (and cutest! :-p) baby. If things didn't go my way, I would give up and go pout obnoxiously. I remember sitting on my sister Debbie's steps pouting for a long time at a family get together, but for the life of me I can't remember why. Looking back, I see how juvenile my behavior was, but then, I WAS juvenile....Nowadays I try to be more giving and caring. I try not to be selfish (although I am sure Joe will disagree with this statement until the day he dies, just because he likes to disagree with me) and honestly with kiddos, I don't have too many opportunities to be selfish. Here's the thing though... I don't WANT  to give up my gym membership. We talked about it and decided the extra million dollars (give or take) would really help us, but now I don't know if I can.... I know, it's horrible. Paying all the bills on time and paying the full 10% tithing are super important, but so is my sanity, right? RIGHT?!?!?!!?? Does anyone have any ideas? I could have a bake sale once a month... I could clean houses for cash.... Anyone wanna buy one of my eggs? I make cute kids! Nobody? That's too bad.... I take donations too! I want y'all to brainstorm some ideas for extra dinero for the gym. I'm a good cause, right?

Confession of the day: I smell.... yay overly crowded kickboxing class!


  1. Have you tried asking for a reduced membership? Lots of gyms offer them, esp. if you can demonstrate financial need. I know the Y does!

  2. Hey Anna! I feel your pain! It's important to stay healthy as long as you're using the membership, it isn't WASTED money, but I also know how it is to have ZERO extra money each month, and something has to give :( Maybe you can find a kid or two to babysit for, at your house, a couple days a week? You could put an add on craigslist or just put out the word with your friends and family. There may be someone that is working part time that needs flexible childcare. Good luck figuring it out!!
