Thursday, April 14, 2011

Information overload!!!

If you know me, you know I am not organized at all. My "office" has bills, random paperwork, Tate's artwork, and a Parents magazine strewn about on my desk. I have no idea what I am doing at this grown-up thing! Help, I'm drowning! I just had to set up some payment plans to get caught up on all of our bills, so we have NO money. Anyone know about some part time job opportunities for a stay at home mama? I don't know how we are going to pull this off... If anyone needs a mechanic who will charge less than a traditional shop let me know. Have you ever felt like you were drowning (I can't swim, so when I get into water I kinda look like Little John from Robin Hood, Men In Tights flailing about like I'm trying to fly or something. Total ridiculousness!!!) and didn't know where the shore was? Ok, that's enough of my whining for today. On to some fun stuff!

I told Tate that we had a lot of stuff that we had to do while Benny is at school and I said he HAD to help me. He was more than willing to help and he even wrote numbers 1 to 19 on a piece of paper, just so he could cross them off when each of his "jobs" was done. He made my bed (so sweet!), fed the neighbor's fish (1 pellet), loaded the dishwasher with dirty dishes he found all around the house, and even scheduled a break for him and I. I love my boys! They are so considerate when they can tell Mommy is going postal! Hooray! I did all of my phone calls and investigating for paying less per month options for bills. I lead a charmed life FOR SURE!!! Side note: does anyone know what all is involved in trying to go back to school? Are there any grants or anything for moms, even if they are married? I have one more year of Benny in preschool, and then I will have 3 hours free time EVERY DAY and if I can find online courses or something, it would be awesome. I'm pretty much just thinking with my fingertips right now, but I have to explore my options, right?

Oops, I almost forgot my confession! I have to give a talk in church this Sunday, and I haven't even started!!!! Ha ha ha!!! I am going to bomb! Hooray!

Love you all,
Mama Ra


  1. Mama Ra! Financial aid is usually a lot higher once you get married. Having two small children and one income only helps...a lot. I'd suggest figuring out what school you'd like to go to (I highly recommend DCTC) and then talking to an financial advisor. They actually really want to help you spend the least money possible!

    Have you thought about doing some of your crafty stuff and selling it on etsy? Because you are gifted. I thought you'd bought all of your signs until very recently!

  2. Anna love, I would definitely talk to the financial/academic advisors at some schools like Annis suggested - there are always options. Are you a crafty chica? If I don't get into any nursing programs (I'm batting 0 for 2 right now) I'm going to do some craft shows again.
