Friday, April 15, 2011

Running around in your undies!

Confession of the day: Sometimes I think it would be really nice to live in a nudist camp because then you get to skip out on doing so very much laundry... I hate, nay, I LOATHE laundry...

So, I like to compare and contrast, does anyone else have a child that could hang out exclusively in their undies (today they are Incredibles...) all day long and is ok with it? I get up after my children (jealous?) and every morning Tate is dressed. Sometimes he is wearing real clothes, sometimes he is Obi Wan Kenobi. Benny however, wears naught but the panties. Is that strange? It is currently 11:53 and he is still in them. I have tried to coax him into clothes, but he simply doesn't care. Is that weird? Should I be pushing him to get dressed, even if we aren't going anywhere? What do ya'll think? He IS only 4... Moving on, is anyone else super blah about today and the gray skies? Boo hiss to this sort of weather! My house is STILL a mess and I have no motivation to clean it! I LOVE music and have to listen to it for motivation most of the time, but I still don't think even that would help on a day like today...

Today's post was brought to you by the letter B and the number 4.
The end, Mama Ra


  1. Um, you KNOW how I feel about this rotten weather. And now snow? That's it, I'm moving.

  2. This weather sucks. I have a headache. And Benny is going to have to wear clothes for the rest of his life so let him enjoy the freedom of just wearin' undies. What a cutie!

  3. I agree with Gretchen. As long as it's in the house and it's in the presence of family, let him enjoy undies while it's still socially acceptable! I'm sure once he hits kindergarten he'll get into the habit of wearing clothes all day long.
