Thursday, July 7, 2011

The b#*ch is back!

Who missed me??? It's ok, you can tell me! I feel like I have been unable to truly whine without this blog, so I apologize if I get annoying... What's new in my world you ask? Well... I put my gym membership on hold until I can find a way to make it work... Sad, but it had to be done. I have pink streaks in my hair from my 1/3 life crisis which magically turns me into Jem! Who wants to be a hologram with me??? I have way more amazing friends than I thought I did! I love having friends!!!!! I think this is the first year I actually have a decent tan too! I am so shocked that my norwegian skin isn't super ultra bright white right now! Now the bad news.... Since Tate is on summer break, my patience is wearing thin even sooner in the day and his inability to listen and outright defiance is driving me BoNkErS and I have no idea what to do about it! I know he needs a schedule with what to do when, but I am way too flakey for that kind of thing and my brain simply cannot think like that! Thankfully he starts 5 weeks of summer school Monday so this mama can have a break! Yesss..... Don't get me wrong, I love my little Tater-Bug, but I think his summer mission is to get me into a fitted hug me jacket in a padded room... Also, the kiddos have been fighting more and more. I thought I would get lucky and they would love each other all the time and be sweet and cuddly... I have very vivid dreams... I am getting tired of the tattling and screaming and whining.... It hurts my throat! (get it???) Well, this post was just to let y'all know that I am back online, so you'll get more posts! Love you all!

I almost forgot my confession of the day! I had leftover sopapilla cheesecake for breakfast! I have already forgotten all about that gym membership apparently....

MamaRa signing out!


  1. Aw, I missed ya!! And I TOTALLY can relate to going BoNkErS! Every year I get super excited for summer vacation and then am suddenly reminded that no, moms don't get vacation! :p

  2. I miss you! And I love your pink streaks. After you got them I told Jase I wanted to do purple ones and he laughed in my face. Sigh. PS> My boys fight like wildcats. You have all my sympathy.

  3. Well Anna, its nice to see you back on here. Yes I follow your blog and I'm one of the many friends! Yey! :D The boys... ah thats normal... hate to say it. At that age it gets nerve wrecking with them. Just hang tight! Your a tuff cookie! :D The 1/3 life crisis.. think thats normal too! lol. You put the gym membership on hold... hmmm... think you should take a look at! :D Love their work out videos. Did I mention only ten minutes long too?!!!! You can fit it in any time you have a few extra minutes. Thats why I love them. I've made a lot of wonderful supportive friends that are just like me or struggling more on there too. You can even find recipes on there.. Or you could just go swimming or to the park with the boys. Kids give you a work out for sure! Now remember to keep blogging, so I can keep following. I might be slow to respond, but I will. :D

  4. Sopapilla Cheesecake? I'd be eating that for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Hang in there with the boys! It will get better...eventually! Love your guts!

  5. @April- I missed checking out your blog too! :) @Charlotte- Forget what Jason says! Do your thang honey! I like that you used the wildcat analogy! I'm a visual thinker! @Theresa- I know it's part of life, but I don't have to like it!!! I have checked spark people out before actually! It is super cool! I am working on food changes, and then I will get back to exercise... @G-Funk- I have all of the ingredients to make more... should we set up a party and invite friends and I make it? You can take the leftovers! ;-)
