Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friends- my own personal drug!

I love all of my friends. You know who you are! I have the most supportive, loving, silly, adorable, (sometimes) dirty minded friends a gal could ask for! I had so many positive responses to my talk Sunday from my church friends, I had one friend help me dye my hair and another cut it, saw my ldbff this weekend, and just now a friend came to bring me and Benny to his school because I could NOT find my stinking keys! (they were between my seat and the center console in my jeep... duh...) Last night we went to a friend couple's house for dinner. We had a BALL and Joe ate like he was a king! (sorry about depleting your food stores Wisemans!) I honestly think I would shrivel up and die if I didn't have friends. Joe would agree! He, in his own "sweet" way, calls me a friend whore. I L-O-V-E love friends! There was a speaker at Time Out For Women, which is a church run 2 day extravaganza of spiritualness and humor, who said that NOT having friends is like smoking 15 cigarettes a day! That doesn't sound healthy! That makes me think that the 495 friends I have on facebook make me healthy, or at least healthier... I doubt it means I can stop exercising (which I am FINALLY going to get back to doing since I can breathe again...) or eating better, but I feel every little bit counts, right? I wanna know what the best thing a friend has done for you is? What is something you have done for a friend that was super amazing?

Confession of the day: I bought two cartons of ice cream and waffle cones from Aldi yesterday... Don't tell the kids!


  1. Well the best thing I had done for me was by my best friend Mariel..She has saved my butt a few times. She came to Albert Lea once when I was stranded there cause my car broke down. She picked my son and I up and brought us back to the cities. Her and her fiancée Charlie also helped me move back from Cloquet cause I have no car and the b/f at the time and I broke up. My friend Jason use to walk me home from school dances cause my mom wouldn't pick me up and I had no ride home. He has also picked me up when I'm in bad situations.

    Now what have I done for friends. Well when they are going through a ruff time, I'm always their counselor if the need. I listen and give my advice if they want. I have helped friends move, loan them money, and even babysit. Think the nicest thing I did was came and picked up a friend when it was cold out and got him gas cause he ran out.

  2. Well you are an easy person to love!

  3. I absolutely agree with Charlotte. In addition to your lovability is the inspiring way that you love others. I agree with the Time Out speaker. One needs friends to survive, give perspective and grow.
    I loff you!

  4. I agree with Charotte too! You are such a sweetheart and you just light up the room with your smile!
